Design Information Brief

Please complete the following information.

All fields marked with * are mandatory


SECTION B (End User details)

SECTION C (Property/Site details)

SECTION D (Design Details)

Will a scaled plan of area be uploaded (see upload all relevant files in section F)?
Will contour information with legible heights be uploaded (see upload all relevant files in section F)?
Is there existing pipe work / infrastructure that needs to be taken into consideration?
Is pump station new?
Are existing pump details enclosed?
Are row directions marked on plan?
Are headland or roadway dimensions and position clearly shown?
Are mainlines running through blocks acceptable?
Is the water source and its RL marked on the plan?
Mainline Pipe
Submain Pipe
Are dripline flushing manifolds required?
Mainline sizing, which will govern system operational flexibility:
What is the water source
What is the preferred primary filtration?

SECTION E (Soil and water analysis details)

Has a soil survey been submitted for consideration in the design? Yes/No
If NO, does the customer want us to ignore soil variation when designing?
Has water analysis data been submitted for consideration in the design? Yes/No
If NO, does the customer want us to ignore water quality when designing?
Are shift requirements enclosed?
Are crop and variety breakups indicated?
To what extent is irrigation-related drainage mitigation important?

Section F

We respect your privacy and will never share your contact details with any person or organisation nor spam you with unwanted emails.